Unicef: three outputs to inform and engage
- A set of three coordinated communication outputs that inform and engage
- Raise awareness about the issue of children's living conditions on the Horn of Africa
- A storytelling-driven video
Explore the project
Unicef has tasked The Visual Agency with creating a series of communication outputs aimed at raising awareness among stakeholders. Through meticulous work our team has crafted three visually coordinated materials that effectively address the needs for information, engagement, and emotional impact inherent to the project.

Three coordinated outputs
The Visual Agency has developed the graphic visualization of three different materials; a static report, a motion graphic video and related imagery for a dedicated webpage. All the outputs are united by the same creative line and the same purpose of communicating a message with a strong emotional impact.
Communicate and raise awareness
The assets created serve not only to convey a humanitarian message but also to foster awareness about the difficult conditions of children living on the Horn of Africa. To achieve this, the team has crafted realistic graphic representations filled with significant details and an animated video that represents a powerful medium to evoke emotions and resonate with the audience.

The cultural research
The Visual Agency team, in collaboration with Unicef, gathered information and conducted research on the local practices and traditions, to create a representation that can authentically and respectfully portray the culture of the communities involved in the project.